Each year, contestants submit their original poetry with the hope of securing a book deal. A diverse panel of Write Bloody editors, poets, and judges conduct a blind reading to select 24 finalists for the next round.
In the final round, finalists are required to submit a video of themselves reading one original piece. This video complements a preliminary manuscript of 20 poems, which will also be judged until only a select few remain.
Here are the video submissions from the 2024 finalists.
Jen Gayda Gupta - Neutral Grounds
Erica Fabri - The Greatest Poem Ever Written
Xiomarra Milann - Brujas
Grayson Thompson - Joy Came After the Prerequisite Courses
Angela Janda - Custody Exchange
Maggie Dillow - Bad Men Bring You Soup
Rebecca Martin - Like Any Queer from Ohio, I Mimicked My Host to Survive
Francis Sanchez - Hold me Like I'm Someone Worth Naming a River After
Geri Gale - In the Beginning
Isabelle Correa - The One Where I Finally Say What I Wanted to Say
Lisa Summe - Gratitude Journal
Chris Watkins - Florida Jesus
Tim Stafford - My Mother in the Kitchen Baking a Cake in the Shape of a Penis
Marek Kulig - 20 Years Later, a Conversation Between My Father and Polska
Mae Steele - For Sale or Trade
Josh Lillie - Birds I've Never Known
Tyler Hurula - I’ve Only Been Told I’m Hard to Read by People I Don’t Like
Zachary Kluckman - It Takes Patience to Love a Trauma Survivor
Catherine Weiss - The Multitool
Benjamin Rhodes - Poem In Which All Trans People Are Safe
Ronnie K. Stephens - Self Portrait
Summer Awad - Tomorrow, Insha’Allah
Olivia Piper - Queer Joy
Elle Shepard - Mapping
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